
Thing 12 - Add a Widget

The widget above may take a few moments to load. After it loads, click the play button in the bottom left corner of the player. If the widget does not load or play on your machine, here's the transcript:

Adding special elements to a blog can provide readers with variety of media, interactivity, or help build community. Add-on elements used in a blog or web page are often called widgets or gadgets. These little extras can give your blog special functionality or appeal.

A poll like the one below is interactive and can be used to collect data from readers. Participate by selecting your choice and clicking vote.

The Google calendar below is one of the many online tools that can be activated by people who have Google accounts (like you) and embedded in different web pages. This kind of widget could be used to share important dates or events.

You can add widgets that track the browsing locations your visitors.

For this 12th Thing, explore a variety of widgets listed here (or find some on your own) and embed at least one into your blog by copying and pasting the html code (provided by the site that hosts the widget) into a new blog posting.


To complete Thing 12 you must:
A. Explore blog widgets and embed one into your blog
B. Reflect on Thing 12 on your blog


A. Embed a Widget

Explore this list, select one and add it into your blog post. Look for embed code (review Thing 10 if you need help embedding) and copy it using the "Edit Html" tab when writing your post. You can find more by going to your blog settings and clicking the LAYOUT tab, then click "Add a gadget" to open the list of widgets.

Polldaddy interactive polls - like ours

Miniclock just what it says, a mini clock - lots of choices!

ClustrMaps visual map of who visits your blog

Voki speaking character like ours (might not work with Firefox web browser)

Widgetbox huge assortment of widgets

Widgetbox: Education list of education related widgets

PBS Teacher Activity Packs educational widgets

B. Reflect - Blog Prompts for Thing 12

Review the widget you selected. Are you getting comfortable with embedding code? Do you belong to other online communities? Are relationships formed online as meaningful as face-to-face relationships?