

How does this program work?
23 Things is a self-paced professional development opportuntiy that encourages participants to take control of their own learning through online exploration and play. It is is web-based and not tied to a particular computer, so you can work anywhere you have high speed Internet access.

Why do this?
Web 2.0 is a phrase coined in 2004. It refers to the fact that today’s Internet is an interactive medium rather than just a place to get information. Our students are using Web 2.0 tools every day, so it’s important to understand how these tools can be used effectively for teaching and learning. And, it’s going to be fun!

Is there a fee for this program?
No, 23 Things is free for Lenawee educators.

Can I get credit for completing this course?
Yes, you can earn 2.0 SB-CEUs or 1 or 2 graduate credit (from Siena Heights) upon successful completion of the course. There are fees for those seeking credits. Details on how to apply for SB-CEUs or grad credit will be sent once the program is underway.

Who can participate in the program?
Any educator can participate. It is important to understand, however, that 23 Things is a rigorous program requiring intermediate computer skills.

How much time will each Thing require?
We estimate that each thing will take about one to two hours, but obviously, that will vary with the activities and individual participants.

What do I need to participate?
High-speed Internet access to connect to the sites used in this program (note: some sites may be blocked at your school and will have to be accessed from another location); comfort and skill to independently navigate the Internet, access email, and create online accounts; and motivation to learn – no one will be there prodding you along.

How long do I have to complete the program?
Participants have approximately ten weeks to complete the program. A reasonable goal is to cover one to two topic areas per week, however you have the flexibility to move at your own pace. The basic program will remain online after the completion of each cohort, but participant blogs will not be monitored by the project facilitators the end date for that cohort. (Note: Participants will want to be sure to bookmark the page with the links to the 23 Things and also any other participant blogs they wish to follow.)

How will my progress be monitored?
You write about each Thing you complete on your own blog (which you create in Thing 2), and project facilitators read and track all the participant blogs. Make sure you include the Thing # in the title of each post to make the tracking easier for both you and the facilitators.

How much do I have to write in my blog posts?
Each blog post must reflect on the Thing you have completed. While we don't expect a dissertation on every Thing, we do expect thoughtful reflection and active participation that is clear in the post. Single line posts or those that show lack of participation will not be considered sufficient.

Who will see my blog?
Links to all the participants' blogs will be listed on this 23 Things site so that anyone can read them or comment. Only the facilitators, however, will know who owns each blog - unless, of course, the blog's title gives a hint about the owner's identity. That's up to you.

What if I don't complete all the 23 Things?
Completing any number of the Things should certainly increase your knowledge of Web 2.0 technologies and their use in education. Do the best you can. However, to receive SBCEU credit, the entire program must be satisfactorily completed by the end date.

Will there be any face-to-face sessions?
No, this is a self-directed learning program. We provide helpful hints, encouraging words, and post comments on your blogs. The facilitators are available to answer your questions by email.

Do any of the 23 Things require special software?
Flash is required to view some of the applications. Chances are this is already installed on your computer, but if it is not,
click here for a free download. If an activity requires any additional downloads, a link will be included in the Thing.

Is there any tech support at participants' locations?
No. We will try to answer questions by email, but cannot provide full technical support to multiple locations. Work with the tech support folks in your district or try to problem-solve with others who are participating in the program.

Who are the project facilitators?
Greg Marten and Sue Summerford are the facilitators. If you have questions, you may reach them by email at
23things@lisd.us .